October 17, 2010

Fountains of Chocolate!

It was a very busy day today.  First, I zipped out to the Clevedon Farmer's Market to meet my friend, Karen, for coffee and pick up a few croissants for breakfast.  Of course, I tested out my new market bag and was delighted to find that it grew to the required size, accomodating all my purchases.  I took my knitting with me, as well, but I'll have to show you that tomorrow...

I also nipped over to Briscoes and bought a Sunbeam chocolate fountain today for the Ladies' Dessert Night at Harvest.  I cut up some fruit and sponge cake because we had to test it out to see how it worked.  Tonight, I used Nestle melts.  We will have to test out another brand of chocolate next week.  Take a look at our miniature chocolate fountain spread.

My boys enjoy a good taste test!

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