April 17, 2011


I've been away this week.  I was visiting my beautiful sister, Susan, in Sydney.  She was a wonderful hostess and we made great memories over her black and white quilt.  I hand quilted for the first time in years.  What a relaxing way to hang out and gab. 

We also went for lunch at her friend's, went shopping, to the movies, a yarn shop, two quilting stores, and for lunch at Riverside Oaks golf club.  It was a fantastic holiday.

Here is a picture of the gardens where George does his magic on the buxus hedge. Take a look at my knitting on the chook.
My sister, Susan

Inside sandstone house

Authentic shabby chic china cabinet

Sandstone house

Side view

Back of the house

Buxus chook with my knitting

Buxus in shape of teddy bears

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the knitting on the chook :)
Looks like the weather was beautiful too which is great. Now we have the winter to look forward to here in NZ.
Cheers Mandy